In 1988 when I was just 18 months old my biological mother Elizabeth died because her lungs failed due to lung disease. She had very weak lungs from years of chronic asthma and drug addiction. During this time I was still going between the Godfrey's home and my bilogical parents while the adoption was still taking place.
When I was born I was born with a heart defect and holes in my heart that I would need to go for follow up appointments with a cardiologist at the Westville Hospital. On the second follow up appointment with the cardiologist, he held up my current x-ray with my previous one and was very confused as he saw two completely different x-rays. The doctor thought he had the wrong patient and had the x-rays doubled checked to make sure they were correct and were both mine. The reason he was so confused was becase the x-ray from the previous appointment showed a heart defect with holes in my heart and the current x-ray showed absolutely NOTHING! My heart was completly healed the holes had closed and it was a normal functioning heart. There was no medical explination for this. The only explination for this was a true miracle and work of God.
My life from the moment I took my first breath up until now was a true miracle and only the work of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. I truly do believe that. There are no other explinations or answers to how or why I managed to survive and overcome all the medical obsticles I did, despite doctors not believing that it was posssible.
Please feel free to look at my website and get in touch with me on my contact page or you can leave a comment below.
Part 4 will follow tomorrow.
This is me not too sure about this sand pit story.