from the very beginning
part 2
from the very beginning
part 2
After my miraculous and very scary entry into this big wide world I was placed shortly after birth up for adoption by my birth parents. My birth mother Eliizabeth/Elise was very sick and was unable to take care of a newborn, let alone a very sick newborn. My biological father Richard at the time felt it was the best decision to give me up.
The Child welfare got involved and started looking for a family to adopt me. There was the Godfrey family, Wayne and Dianne Godfrey who had 2 biological sons of there own Craig being the oldest and Brent the Youngest. Dianne unfortunately was unable to have anymore childfren and had lost 2 girls due to complications.
When the Godfrey family heard about me they were very excited and knew I would be the perfect fit for their family. I am told that the first time I went home with the Godfrey's, I went home in a shoe box because I was so small and my nose was the size of half a smartie. The first time Craig saw me he asked "why is my head shaved?" It was shaved in the hospital because I had drips in my head as I had very small veins.
The adoption process was underway but I would not be allowed to stay at the Godfrey's. At any moment the child welfare could call and come take me away and place me back with my biological parents. This was the reality of the situation while the adption was taking place and the Godfrey's just had to oblige and watch me be taken away. When I would go to my biological parents house I would not be looked after as I would have stilpain injected into my arms and my biological father tried to run me over with a car as an infant. Things became so bad at one time my biological mother picked me up and took me and started walking down the highway with me. (why, I am not too sure.)
As you can imagine it must have been an absolute nightmare for the Godfrey family who were so in love with me and who just wanted me to be a full time part of their family.
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Part 3 will follow tomorrow.
First picture is Craig and I Second Picture fom left to right: Craig, Wayne, Brent and I am in the middle.